Sunday, July 19, 2009

My last full week....

As this week is about to begin, I realize that as EXCITED as I am to go home and see everyone and start the next part of my life (why are there so many parts??), I'm just a little in denial that I'm leaving. Everyone here keeps asking me how I'm feeling with it being so close, and the only answer I can give is... umm... ok, I guess. It hasn't really hit me that in a week and a half I will be landing in Charleston and thrust into life in the US. That in a week and a half I will be able to flush toilet paper down the toilet again (thank you, Jesus). I will be able to get in my car and drive when I want, and not feel that I'm putting my life on the line every time I'm on the road. I will sleep on a real mattress that doesn't squeak every time I turn over. I will be able to drink Starbucks and talk to my family and friends in PERSON (yay!).

So bizarre.

I also won't be able to speak Spanish every day (many times a very humbling experience...). I won't wake up knowing that something I'm doing, no matter how small, is impacting the education of children that otherwise would have a much bleaker future. I won't be reminded of just how spoiled I am and how much I have when I walk outside my door. I won't be surrounded by amazing Paraguayans (and missionaries!) who selflessly help others when they themselves have so little.

So as I come to terms with leaving, and get geared up for that thing called real life, I can only know that while I have not a single clue what I'm doing- I don't have to. It's all worked out for me. For that I am ETERNALLY grateful. I just have to keep that in mind when I feel like the economy is crashing down around me! Oh wait, it already is... :)
And while I know I'm not indispensable, I hope at least a little that I will be missed. And hope that everyone here knows they will be missed in return.

(I also hope that my welcome home party is already planned and that it will include all things American. And maybe some Mexican food...)